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BCCP Chairman's Blog

Constitutional Stimulus Plan

January 12, 2009

 Constitutional Stimulus Plan

by Will Smith


  1. Repeal the 16th Amendment

  2. Repeal All Free Trade Agreements

  3. Allow Capitalism to Function Free of Government

  4. Enforce Immigration Laws

  5. End Unconstitutional Wars

To truly put the economy back on track all the Federal Government would have to do is undo these 5 things they have forced down the throat of the American people for decades.

By repealing the 16th Amendment, the Federal income tax that is extorted form our paychecks prior to the wage earner even seeing one red cent, would be gone. The millions of dollars (that we are forced to pay) that the Internal revenue Service wastes every year, would be saved. Possibly the most important thing of this part of the plan, our currency would actually represent gold and silver once again. Our money could not longer be printed on the whims of the Federal Reserve.

Ridding ourselves of NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, FTAA, etc. would keep our jobs here by enforcing Constitutional tariffs and imposts on all imports the Federal Government would generate more revenue than by taxing the very citizens that allow them to govern.

A lot of the problems that businesses have are directly related...

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